The troubling question of "Why? .... What did we do in another life to cause this?" haunts the family of a disabled child in Bali.
Even those children, living on this virtual tropical island paradise can be born with autism.
YPAC, a local NGO here in Bali, has been addressing the needs of disabled children for over 20 years.
Very basic facility, run by a dynamic woman whose passion in life is to help disabled student become productive members of society.
The classrooms are modest, with extremely hard working teachers.
YPAC provides these disabled children with a place to stay, three meals a day, daily life skills oriented academic instruction, as well as job training and job placement.
Several of the children were affected by Cerebral Palsy.
This young man, although deal, is a budding painter! This impressionist type work of art, caught my eye and I bought it!
Working with these children brought me instantly back to my Special Education teaching role in Rialto Unified. The learning disabilities exhibited by these children mirror those in California: limited ability to remember what was taught, inattentiveness, eye-hand coordination difficulties, the whole spectrum of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic processing disorders, and on and on and on...
While working with a Special Education students in California, I too have frequently asked the question.... "Why? Why this disability? Why this child?" I do not profess to know the answer to the "Why?" question....
All I can say is..... There but for the grace of God.... go I.
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